• The CEO's Painted Skin

  • Author(s): Lizabelle88
  • GENRES: Romance
  • STATUS : Ongoing
  • Source :
  • LAST UPDATED : 06-Oct-2019 13:47
  • View : 224,996
  • RATE :
  • rate : 0.27/ 5 - 116 votes

The CEO's Painted Skin summary:

Their first encounter was not good, not even proper and wasn 't even built on a solid ground. He thought he already lose her. But he nurtured and kept her memory alive in his mind. His past kept hunting him. He was someone who had a dark secret to hide.She met him for the first time in a cruel stroke of destiny. He ravaged her body for two nights straight. But he left a lasting impression on her...

The CEO's Painted Skin Chapters

Time uploaded
500 Plan Ahead Oct-06-19
496 Departure Oct-05-19
495 Troubled Oct-05-19
493 Dear Husband Oct-05-19
490 Suggestion Oct-03-19
489 Pregnant! Oct-03-19
488 His Decision Oct-03-19
485 Gone Too Soon! Oct-03-19
484 Mourning Oct-01-19
481 Killing Inten Sep-29-19
479 Choose! Sep-29-19
478 Faking It! Sep-29-19
477 Tell Me Why? Sep-29-19
476 Text Message Sep-29-19
475 Family Visi Sep-29-19
474 Kindred Spiri Sep-29-19
472 Going Away Sep-29-19
471 Secret Meeting Sep-29-19
470 Suspec Sep-29-19
469 Devotion Sep-29-19
463 Our Son Sep-29-19
461 Breaking Poin Sep-29-19
458 True Colors Sep-29-19
455 Grudge Sep-29-19
454 The Family Sep-29-19
451 Last Delivery Sep-29-19
448 Black Sandal Sep-29-19
447 Mystery Guy Sep-29-19
445 Sexy Cobra Sep-29-19
444 Abducted Sep-29-19
443 Wooden Box Sep-29-19
442 Confirmed! Sep-29-19
441 More Will Come Sep-29-19
440 Black Blouse Sep-29-19
439 Second Chance Sep-29-19
438 Guilty Sep-29-19
437 Detour Sep-29-19
436 You're Fired! Sep-29-19
435 Bloody Reunion Sep-29-19
433 Bloody Ritual Sep-29-19
431 River Crossing Sep-29-19
430 Countryside Sep-29-19
429 Soothsayer Sep-29-19
428 Setback Sep-10-19
427 Open Legs Sep-10-19
426 Switch! Sep-10-19
425 Seduction Goal Sep-10-19
423 Flirt A Little Sep-10-19
422 How Exciting! Sep-10-19
421 Conquered! Sep-10-19
420 Divine Vision Sep-10-19
419 Go Mad! Sep-10-19
417 Feel At Home Sep-10-19
415 Who Are You? Sep-10-19
414 Scream Sep-10-19
413 Another Lead Sep-10-19
412 No Connection Sep-10-19
411 Worried Sick Sep-10-19
410 Polygraph Tes Sep-04-19
409 Stalker? Sep-04-19
407 Proxy Mother Sep-04-19
406 She's Back! Sep-04-19
403 Police Blotter Sep-04-19
401 Negative! Sep-04-19
399 Trip Sep-04-19
398 Smut Galore! Sep-04-19
397 Good Kisser! Sep-04-19
396 Live Again Sep-04-19
Chapter 395 Sep-04-19
394 Baptism Sep-04-19
393 Ready For You! Sep-04-19
392 Guess Who? Sep-04-19
391 Alive! Sep-04-19
390 Red Lingerie Sep-04-19
389 I Can't Do It! Sep-04-19
388 First Day! Sep-04-19
384 Moody Guy! Aug-23-19
381 Don't Move! Aug-23-19
380 Crossroad Aug-23-19
379 Yeah Right! Aug-23-19
377 Proud Of You! Aug-22-19
376 Dream Project! Aug-22-19
375 Reconciliation Aug-22-19
374 Sister's Talk Aug-20-19
373 Smooching Aug-20-19
371 Preparation Aug-20-19
369 Push Harder! Aug-20-19
366 Final Decision Aug-20-19
362 Announcement! Aug-17-19
Chapter 361 Aug-16-19
Chapter 360 Aug-16-19
359 Captivated! Aug-15-19
358 Enemy Within Aug-15-19
357 The Sign Aug-15-19
351 Jelly Beans Aug-13-19
349 Get Together! Aug-12-19
347 Awakening! Aug-12-19
346 Twist! Aug-12-19
345 Eight Months! Aug-12-19
342 Loser! Aug-12-19
341 Mouth To Mouth Aug-12-19
340 Flying Undies! Aug-12-19
338 Round '3' Aug-12-19
337 Visit! Aug-12-19
334 Happy Now? Aug-12-19
333 Ice Queen Aug-12-19
325 Premonition Aug-05-19
323 She Failed! Aug-05-19
322 Full Control Aug-05-19
321 Conservative! Aug-05-19
320 Round 2 Aug-05-19
318 Turn The Table Aug-03-19
316 Shattered Aug-03-19
315 Anticipation! Aug-03-19
314 Awestruck! Aug-03-19
313 Transform! Aug-03-19
309 Quickie! Aug-03-19
308 Easy As 123! Aug-03-19
306 Pay Back Time Aug-03-19
302 Burning Hatred Aug-03-19
301 Chit Cha Aug-03-19
300 Wanton Desire Aug-03-19
297 Now Or Never! Jul-29-19
296 Game Over! Jul-29-19
295 Push And Pull Jul-29-19
294 Hot And Wild! Jul-29-19
292 Relax! Jul-29-19
289 Good News! Jul-29-19
278 Talk To Me! Jul-29-19
277 Ready For You Jul-29-19
Chapter 288 Jul-26-19
Chapter 287 Jul-26-19
Chapter 286 Jul-26-19
Chapter 285 Jul-26-19
Chapter 284 Jul-26-19
Chapter 283 Jul-26-19
Chapter 282 Jul-26-19
Chapter 281 Jul-26-19
Chapter 280 Jul-26-19
Chapter 279 Jul-26-19
275 Final Decision Jul-23-19
272 It's A Boy! Jul-23-19
271 The Outsider Jul-20-19
266 Round Two! Jul-20-19
265 Wicked Woman! Jul-20-19
260 Raging Libido Jul-20-19
Chapter 258 Jul-16-19
Chapter 257 Jul-16-19
Chapter 256 Jul-16-19
Chapter 255 Jul-16-19
Chapter 254 Jul-16-19
Chapter 253 Jul-16-19
Chapter 252 Jul-16-19
Chapter 251 Jul-16-19
Chapter 250 Jul-16-19
Chapter 249 Jul-16-19
245 Jump In! Jul-13-19
243 Temptress! Jul-13-19
241 Strip Dance Jul-13-19
240 Eco Park Jul-13-19
238 Home Visi Jul-10-19
Chapter 236 Jul-10-19
Chapter 235 Jul-10-19
Chapter 234 Jul-10-19
Chapter 233 Jul-10-19
Chapter 232 Jul-10-19
231 Bed Of Roses Jul-07-19
230 Let's Swim! Jul-07-19
229 Screwed! Jul-07-19
228 Hide The Pain! Jul-07-19
226 Hurting Inside Jul-07-19
222 Love & Love Jul-04-19
219 Burning Kiss! Jul-04-19
218 The Oath Jul-04-19
217 There You Are! Jul-04-19
216 Face Reveal Jul-04-19
214 Fucking Gay! Jul-04-19
208 The New Owner Jul-04-19
205 Reconnection Jul-04-19
201 Reluctance! Jun-26-19
199 Disguised Jun-26-19
197 See You Again! Jun-26-19
193 Keep In Touch Jun-26-19
189 Excited! Jun-20-19
184 Mike's Family Jun-20-19
183 On My Own Jun-20-19
180 Goddess! Jun-20-19
174 Dying Inside Jun-20-19
173 Runaway Bride! Jun-20-19
172 She's Gone! Jun-20-19
171 Arrival! Jun-20-19
167 Acting Fake! Jun-20-19
166 Fever Pitch Jun-20-19
165 Resignation Jun-20-19
164 New Job! Jun-20-19
163 Interrogation Jun-20-19
162 Choices! Jun-20-19
161 Bloody Murder Jun-20-19
159 Final Hour Jun-20-19
158 Kiss & Make Up Jun-20-19
157 Snapped! Jun-20-19
155 Blank Space Jun-20-19
154 Tracking App Jun-20-19
153 Gaping Hole Jun-20-19
152 Get Away! Jun-20-19
150 Second Chance Jun-20-19
149 Betrayed! Jun-20-19
148 Verbal Fight! Jun-20-19
147 Live Show! Jun-20-19
146 The Mirror! Jun-20-19
145 Extra Swee Jun-20-19
144 Overture Jun-20-19
143 The Outcome Jun-20-19
142 Just Do It! Jun-20-19
140 Kill The Love! Jun-20-19
139 Good News! Jun-20-19
138 Hammock Jun-20-19
136 Make Amends! Jun-20-19
135 Just A Dream! Jun-20-19
134 Reminiscence Jun-20-19
133 Temptation Jun-20-19
131 Celibate Jun-20-19
130 River Jun-20-19
129 Warehouse Jun-20-19
128 Live With Me! Jun-20-19
127 Face To Face! Jun-20-19
126 Last Resort! Jun-20-19
125 Silly Demands Jun-20-19
124 Breathless Jun-20-19
123 Wrecking Ball! Jun-20-19
121 I Quit! Jun-20-19
120 You're Mine! Jun-20-19
119 I Got You! Jun-20-19
118 Confrontation! Jun-20-19
117 Music Box Jun-20-19
116 Outrage! Jun-20-19
Chapter 114 Jun-20-19
113 She Lied! Jun-20-19
112 Romantic Lake! Jun-20-19
110 Thanksgiving! Jun-20-19
109 See The Light! Jun-20-19
108 Pandemonium! Jun-20-19
102 Culmination! Jun-20-19
100 The Execution! Jun-20-19
99 Clubbing! Jun-20-19
98 Evil Plan! Jun-20-19
96 Seed Of Lus Jun-20-19
95 Plan In Motion Jun-20-19
94 Dark Obsession Jun-20-19
93 Lust Driven Jun-20-19
92 Dark Thoughts! Jun-20-19
91 Devoted Jun-20-19
87 Mother Nature Jun-20-19
86 Produce Babies! Jun-20-19
85 Cool Off Jun-20-19
83 His Charm Jun-20-19
82 Prioritize Jun-20-19
80 Hot Wine! Jun-20-19
79 Miserable! Jun-20-19
78 Breakup! Jun-20-19
77 Aftermath Jun-20-19
76 Happy Sad Day Jun-20-19
75 Wedding Day! Jun-20-19
74 Skilled In Bed Jun-20-19
73 Mother! Jun-20-19
Chapter 72 Jun-20-19
Chapter 71 Jun-20-19
70 Good Times Jun-20-19
69 Menu & Venue Jun-20-19
67 Highest Peak! Jun-20-19
65 Bright New Day Jun-20-19
64 Standoff! Jun-20-19
63 Disowned! Jun-20-19
Chapter 62 Jun-20-19
61 Face Slapping! Jun-20-19
59 Escape Route! Jun-20-19
58 Explosion! Jun-20-19
57 My Dear Wife! Jun-20-19
56 Who Is Luckier? Jun-20-19
53 Raining Gifts! Jun-20-19
51 Bride And Groom Jun-20-19
50 Confession Jun-20-19
49 Seductress Jun-20-19
48 Raving Mad Jun-20-19
46 Jealousy Jun-20-19
45 Marry Me! Jun-20-19
44 Step Back! Jun-20-19
43 It's A Yes! Jun-20-19
42 Hello Cousin! Jun-20-19
41 Hands-On Groom Jun-20-19
40 Meet The Ex! Jun-20-19
35 Bake The Cake! Jun-20-19
34 She's The One! Jun-20-19
33 You're Hired! Jun-20-19
31 Any Objection? Jun-20-19
30 The Grind Jun-20-19
29 Punishment! Jun-20-19
28 Tormented Jun-20-19
27 Mine Is Bigger! Jun-20-19
26 The Other Guy Jun-20-19
25 Skin Alive Jun-20-19
24 Drop The Bomb! Jun-20-19
22 Too Much Wine! Jun-20-19
20 Perfect Crime Jun-20-19
18 Goodbye Dahlia! Jun-20-19
17 Glass Walled Jun-20-19
15 Worth Pursuing? Jun-20-19
14 Missing You! Jun-20-19
13 She's Gone! Jun-20-19
12 Right Decision Jun-20-19
11 Gifts For You! Jun-20-19
10 Crazy Love! Jun-20-19
9 His Other Side Jun-20-19
8 Cry A River Jun-20-19
6 Mask Reveal Jun-20-19
4 The Parting! Jun-20-19
3 Body Pleasure Jun-20-19
2 Captured! Jun-20-19
1 First Encounter Jun-20-19
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